• 07.10.2023 10:44

F1 Manager 2023: V1.8-Update fuer PC und Konsolen bringt massive Verbesserungen

Die Formel-1-Managementsimulation wurde frisch aktualisiert - Update V1.8 für den F1 Manager 2023 hat jede Menge Verbesserungen an Bord

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Frontier Development hat Anfang der Woche das Update auf Version 1.8 für den F1 Manager 2023 für alle Plattformen begonnen zu verteilen. Nachdem die Vorschau auf die nun erfolgte Aktualisierung bereits einige Anhaltspunkte der anstehenden Verbesserungen gab, offenbart das Änderungsprotokoll nun noch viel mehr woran die Entwickler gearbeitet haben.

Titel-Bild zur News: F1 Manager 2023

Fahrt frei für das Update V1.8 auf PC und Konsolen Zoom

Insgesamt fällt die Übersicht der einzelnen Maßnahmen mit denen das Spielerlebnis runder werden soll ziemlich umfassend aus. Verteilt auf verschiedene Bereiche gibt es zahlreiche Fehlerkorrekturen und einzelne Verbesserungen. Zusätzlich wurde auch an der Programmstabilität gearbeitet und einige Fälle in denen das Spiel abstürzte, festhing oder anderweitig blockierte beseitigt.

Wie immer kann das offizielle Änderungsprotokoll hier eingesehen und damit ganz in Ruhe die Einträge durchgegangen werden.

F1 Manager 2023 - V1.8-Changelog:
-Fixed AI using same tyre compound for entire race after red flag in Sprints
-Fixed AI using same tyre compound for entire race after saving on pre-race screen
-Improved the level of impact of rubber on track across sessions
-Reduced the chances of car-on-car collisions during Practice and Qualifying and slightly increased the chance of spins and running wide during Qualifying
-Fixed cars slowing down in Singapore sector 3
-Further improvements made to drivers avoiding crashed/stationary cars on track
-Improvements made to traffic in Qualifying causing issues for cars on flying laps
-Ensured Q3 soft tyre is unlocked for all drivers, including those that didn't make Q3
-Fixed issue where optimal pit lap dilemma would sometimes not pause the race
-Fixed issue where flying lap count set sometimes was not followed in the session

-Updated Monza to be an ATA qualifying weekend [NEW SEASONS ONLY]

-Fixed issue where Board Confidence could show as 'Disappointing' after joining new team
-Corrected body text of new team email when switching teams

-Re-balanced Research/Design slider expertise gains
-Fixed total cost of hiring calculating incorrectly when hiring replacement driver/staff for next season
-Fixed Car Building attribute having inverse effect
-Fixed hired F2/F3 drivers from still appearing in F2/F3 standings

-Fixed exploit that allowed pit crew to remain at 100% fatigue between races with no penalty
-Adjusted pit crew xp gain and degradation rates
-Fixed first day of month not counting toward stat degradation
-Increased variation of AI pit stop times
-Fixed issue where total pit stop time did not match sum of actions in pit stop breakdown

-Fixed Charles Leclerc patchy LOD hair in cinematics (Sorry Charles!)
-Fixed garage scene showing member of pit crew wearing drivers helmet
-Fixed clipping in Marina Bay intro cinematic
-Fixed clipping in garage shots

-F1 driver photos updated
-Fixed projected cost cap UI not updating correctly
-Fixed issue where scrolling scouting menus with a controller was unpredictable after highlighting bookmark column
-Fixed code string appearing in Next Season Staff tooltip
-Fixed 'Race Winner' appearing on event view in Practice and Qualifying
-Fixed replaced driver being displayed next to 'Renewal' after changing driver position during contract renewal
-Fixed 'Seasons as team principal' not updating on profile page
-Fixed panel borders appearing incorrectly when 'Laps to go' notification appears
-Updated run plan descriptions to clarify that out laps are counted in the run plan
-Fixed email reading '0 days to go' after renewing contract on last day of year
-Fixed issue where times set by drivers in Q2 and Q3 were sometimes not visible until hovered over after simulating session
-Updated chevrons on tyre state when overheating to more accurately reflect impact on wear rate

-Fixed crash that could occur when designing new suspension, then highlighting "Brake Cooling"
-Fixed progression blocker when hiring a reserve driver at end of season
-Fixed softlock that could occur when repeatedly pressing R2/RT controller buttons during end of season fanfares
-Fixed softlock that could occur after pressing New Career with existing save games present
-Fixed progression blocker that could occur when designing car part during tutorial
-Game will now pause when Steam overlay is opened during a race

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